Hello, friends!
I offer private sessions with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in exchange for a donation of your choice. They have been guiding me to do it and I have been reaching out to some people as they tell me to, but if you are reading this and wish to receive personal messages from them just contact me!
We do them through my personal facebook (facebook.com/itsannierios), you can ask them whatever you want for a period of 20 to 30 minutes and they will offer you guidance and answers on your matters. Afterwards you can send me a donation on my paypal or bank account if you are in Europe and prefers to (bank information will be sent through private messages as well).
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Thank you all very much for connecting, it is a beautiful journey for all of us!
Sending you all love and light.
Namaste <3
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2019
Message from Yeshua (Jesus) about Forgiveness:
Facilitator: Do
you have any messages for us?
Yeshua: There
are always many messages. Do you have a theme for me?
F: Oh…
Y: Hm… I put on
a spot! (smiles) What’s the first word that comes to your mind?
F: Forgiveness.
Yeshua: “There's a lot to share about forgiveness, and
it's important to understand that you are sinless, each and every one of you. Each
and every one of you are perfect exactly as you are. If you believe that you
are God, if you believe that God is in everything, you're perfect exactly as
you are, with all your so called flaws.
What is left to
forgive of God?
If God made all
things, if God made you in His image, if God lives in you, if God lives in
others, what is left to forgive? What can you be blaming yourself and others
If this is just
a dream, and we are all playing parts? In this beautiful dream, because we love
We would not be
here if we did not love it. We have many other options, we are God, we created
it, and we are not going through with it just because we created it. We created
it with love, with infinite love, God created Earth with infinite love, God
created us with infinite love. We share this essence, each and every one of us.
So what is left to
forgive but our own judgment?
What if we just
took judgment out of the equation so there is nothing left to forgive?
Judgment is what
keeps the wheel of Fear turning, and turning, and turning, and each time that
you release yourself from this wheel, that you release yourself from this judgment,
it turns a little slower, until it stops. One day it’s going to stop. So you
can help the wheel to run faster or slower. You just need to take judgment out
of the equation.
Let's not
confuse judgment with discernment. Judgment is based in fear, because you see
things as being separated, you see things as being less or more than each other,
and that is judging.
So look at you
as being a perfect creation by God. Perfect and whole and holy in every way. And
beautiful in every way, both physically and emotionally, and spiritually too.
Stop judging
yourself for every little so-called mistake you make. Stop judging yourself for
judging yourself, this is a very important part too.
Stop judging
yourself for feeling emotions that you call negative.
Stop judging
yourself for not being enough.
You are enough.
Love is enough
and you are love, how could you not be enough?
Stop judging
your brothers and sisters for everyone is doing the best they can with what
they have.
So what is left
to forgive? If you see everyone as being one. This Oneness is what we came from.
But if you have
something to forgive, if you have any part of you that needs forgiveness, know
that the need for forgiveness, is a need for love. Because it started with the
judgment, it started with a judgment that you were not enough, or that you were
less, or that someone was more. You compared yourself and you feared that you
would not be enough. You feared for so long that you would not be enough to get
into heaven, for example. And you are heaven, and you are in heaven in every
single breath that you take, you are in heaven.
Allow this
innocence to be part of your daily routine.
The feeling of innocence
of being God's first creation, because you are, and all of us are.
See, everything
you do in your bodies and outside your bodies is being innocent, because that is
how you achieve Grace.
There's no more
forgiveness in Grace, because you know that you are one. You know that there's
nothing else to seek, you are there and you can see that you've always been
there, no matter what you do, no matter what path you choose to take in all the
timelines, in all the space continuum.
You are perfect
exactly as you are in every single second.
There is nothing
that you need to achieve to be God.
Enlightenment is
not something that is far off, it is within you.
It is part of
your nature, it is your birthright.
So if you have
something to forgive inside of you, look at it with love, look at it like you
would look to a child, like you would look to a dog. And sometimes it's easier
to love a dog than a child, so look at it like that, like a little puppy just
wanting to be loved and to be cared. And it's okay.
Would you ever
tell a dog that it doesn't deserve love or a child?
It deserves
Embrace it.
Embrace your humanity.
Enjoy it,
because you would not be on Earth right now, and that is very important to know
and to grasp it within your Consciousness, You would not be on Earth right now
if you were not already masters. That is not a time for the faint of heart.
You are not here
to play small, you are divine beings of profound and complex light.
And that is why
you chose this experience, that is why you chose to be here right now, because
you can. Because you are powerful enough, because you are enough.
You don't have
anything else to forgive within you.
You don't have
anything else to forgive because you are perfect, and if you look at it like
that, it gets a little easier.
This is the
shortcut that we've been talking about, that we've been trying to teach you for
so long.
It is
understanding that you are One with your brothers and sisters, and that every
single one is doing the best they can with what they have. And it’s very
important to love people in their worst as well, and to allow them to be themselves
for you to love them. And to hold space for what you cannot love.
Because it's
okay, sometimes it's very hard. And hold
space for you, and not judge yourself for not being able to love something or
You live in a
duality based environment, you chose this contrast. Every single day you spend
here, you grow in a scale exponentially, infinitely. Because this is the most
beautiful, beautiful place to be right now in the universe.
So if you chose
this experience, and if you are this master, and if you knew what you were
going to go through when you came here, what is left for you to forgive of you
and of others?
Everyone is
playing a role in the dream.
deserves love, including you.
First and
foremost you.
That is how you
do it, that is how it gets easier. You love you first, you put yourself first.
It’s like in the
airplane when they give you the mask, you put the mask on your mouth first. Not
the child next to you, right? Because if you can't be alive, you can't help
anyone else. And that is how you should perceive it.
If you can’t
love you, you can’t love anyone else. Because it comes from you first, and everything
you're going to see in your external reality is going to be a reflection of you.
So, if you want
forgiveness from others, you forgive you.
you want to
forgive others, you forgive you for needing to forgive them.
Everything you
see in your world is just another beautiful expression of you, because you are
Every brother
and sister, every tree, every animal, every car, every cell, every molecule,
everything is God, everything has a consciousness, everything is alive working
with you.
Mother Earth is
so beautiful and you love being here.
All of you love being here, or you would not
be here.
There are so
many other places to be. You chose Earth, in this beautiful moment of Ascension.
So, you forgive
by loving.
You choose love
every single day again and again.
You choose love
when it doesn't seem to be a choice, that is how you realize that there's
nothing left to forgive.
Everything is
Everyone is
perfect and, by being the state of love, being in the state of beautiful
surrender and forgiveness, other people are going to see it and be inspired by
it. You will reflect that to them, and they will learn to forgive themselves
and they will learn to allow themselves to be God. Maybe not in the same way
that you are experiencing it, because you chose a rather different way from the
society’s experience.
But others are
still experiencing it, they are not apart from Ascension. If you are going
through it, every one is.
How you choose
to treat yourself is how you treat others, and is how others treat you, and
also is how they treat each other.
Sometimes we
have so many things happening and we have a hard time forgiving others for the
harm they are doing to each other, the harm they are doing to Mother Earth.
But if you look
at you with love, you reflect that to them.
One way or
another, you might never see it, but it's happening.
Because that
little wheel is slowly, slowly stopping.
Because we are
not motivated by fear anymore.
Where there is
love, there cannot be fear.
Even if you embrace fear as being a friend, as
being a tool, once you do it, you are perceiving it with love, it ceases to
So everything
else falls into place.
So, if I could
advise you in anything, is accepting your divinity by being yourself no matter
That's the first
step to self love.
It’s being
comfortable with who you are and not being afraid to express who you are with
They might not
know it, but they are loving you in the way they know how to love.
Just be yourself,
be the God that you are, so others can understand that they are God too.
This is the
lightworkers mission.
The first
mission is to be you, so you can attract others, so you can help others, so you
can awake others.
Other lightworkers
too, like you've been awakened.
So just be you.
Because you are perfect and beautiful in every single way and you don't have
anything else to forgive within you.
You are one with
all there is and God within you knows exactly what to do, trust it.
It’s been a beautiful Communication, dear one. Thank you!”
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